Determinants of Leisure Satisfaction Among Tourists in Pattaya City, Thailand

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Ferdinand J. Lamarca
Chiara Ayn J. Lamarca


Tourists all over the world visit tourist destinations because they want to enjoy and be satisfied. Their leisure satisfaction depends on the different motives they have in visiting such places. Generally, this study sought to determine the influence of socio-demographic characteristics and motivation factors of tourists in Pattaya City, Thailand on their level of leisure satisfaction. By way of conclusion, 1) the level of the motivation of the tourists, on the whole, is high; 2) the tourists are highly satisfied with their leisure activities; 3) stimulus/avoidance factors are found to be the best predictor of leisure satisfaction; 4) the attractions are wholesome and gratifying to tourists across all ages; entertaining to men and women; satisfying to single, married and separated tourists alike; acceptable to parents who have children as well as to those who do not have; affordable to all tourists across income levels, and do not require high level of education and intelligence to be enjoyed and appreciated. Moreover, desire for sex does not relate significantly with leisure satisfaction. It is recommended that 1) leisure activities that are relaxing to tourists mentally and physically should be integrated in tour packages; 2) activities that allow tourists to interact with one another should be initiated and undertaken by tourist guides; 3) tourist guides should have training along group dynamics; and 4) more wholesome entertainment activities that cater to all tourists regardless of age, sex, civil status, number of children, education status and income should be provided to tourists.

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How to Cite
Lamarca, F. J., & Lamarca, C. A. J. (2019). Determinants of Leisure Satisfaction Among Tourists in Pattaya City, Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(2), 27–42. retrieved from
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