The Impact of Cobba Gold Training on the Economy and Society in Nakhonratckiasima Province from 2006 to 2016

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ทินกร ศิลาอาจ
ฐิติพล ภักดีวานิช


This study aimed to (1) investigate the effects of Cobra Gold training on economic environments and social conditions in Nakhon Ratchasima province, (2) investigate the attitudes among stakeholders of the Cobra Gold training, and (3) apply the research results to the Cobra Gold training. In this study, qualitative research methodologies were applied by collecting primary and secondary sources and interview data from a total of 40 samples consisting of government officers working in economic and social departments, individuals, and villagers living in the Muang district in Nakhon Ratchasima province. The findings demonstrated that (1) the Cobra Gold joint military exercise has led to a positive effect on economic environments in Nakhon Ratchasima province especially for hotels, restaurants, department stores, entertainment venues, taxi services, material shops, and grocery shops. Entrepreneurs of these businesses and services have increased incomes resulting in higher government revenue from business taxes. The joint military exercise contributed to both positive and negative effects on social conditions in the province. For the positive point, villages located near the exercise areas were developed as a mutual benefit since some permanent structures were established in schools and communities to be used as public activities. Public relation activities were also arranged for intercultural communications between foreign soldiers and villagers. However, as the negative aspect, there would be a noise pollution for villagers during the flight trainings. Lastly, (2) the military exercises focused on human assistance in communities having insufficient resources, leading to positive attitudes towards all stakeholder of the Cobra Gold training and a positive image for both Thai and foreign soldiers. (3) The Government should solve the problems and support Cobra Gold training covering all areas according to the needs of the people.

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How to Cite
ศิลาอาจ ท., & ภักดีวานิช ฐ. (2019). The Impact of Cobba Gold Training on the Economy and Society in Nakhonratckiasima Province from 2006 to 2016. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(2), 1–26. retrieved from
Research Articles


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