Personnel Administration of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Chiang Yuen District of Maha Sarakham Province

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บังอร บรรเทา
สีดา สอนศรี
ยุพา คลังสุวรรณ


The study aims to analyze the structure and local personnel administrative system, to study the personnel administrative process of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO), and to propose the suggestions and ways to solve the problems in personnel administration in Chiang Yuen district of Maha Sarakham province.  The 169 samples of personnel are conducted in Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Chiang Yuen district of Maha Sarakham province.  The 5 rating scale questionnaires and structured interviews are used in this research.  There are 21 interviewees including 7 Chief Executives of the SAO, 7 Chief Administrators of the SAO, and 7 personnel in the division of personnel administration. The interviewees are selected through purposive sampling technique.  The statistics used for data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the study are as follows. 1. There were several problems found in the study of the structure and local personnel administrative system, which consisted of 1) the local administrative system has no unity; 2) personnel administration gives excessive authorities to local administrators; 3) the local personnel administration is too complex and slow; 4) the local officers are not be able to be promoted; 5) there are no incentives for outsiders to apply for the positions in the SAO; and 6) the criteria of personnel development of the local personnel administrative process is not clear. 2. The results found in the study of SAO’s personnel administrative process in Chiang Yuen district of Maha Sarakham province, overall mean of the opinions toward the SAO’s personnel administration is in the moderate level.  The means of the 6 aspects of the administration are also in the moderate levels which were not conformed to the interviews. In conclusion, the research suggests the ways to solve the problems in personnel administration of the SAO in Chiang Yuen district of Maha Sarakham province.  The personnel should be encouraged to participate in trainings and seminars accordingly to their positions on a regular basis in order for them to have knowledge and maintain good attitudes toward organization

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How to Cite
บรรเทา บ., สอนศรี ส., & คลังสุวรรณ ย. (2016). Personnel Administration of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Chiang Yuen District of Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 284–300. retrieved from
Research Articles


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