The Development for Documentation: System of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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สุดารัตน์ โยธาวงศ์


Correspondence is related to document management. From the preparation to be sent to keep, borrowed until the destroyed. This process will facilitate organization efficiently.This study aims to develop a correspondence in College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University  under the four areas, including the preparation of the, the dispatch materials, keeping materials and destroying materials.materials by using the Action Research operations include planning, implementation, observation and reflection. A group of 22 staff ,comprising of 10 staff 5 college professors, 5 students 2 corresponce staff,of college of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. Data was collected by observation and interviewThe study found that The Development document enables practitioners to understand and practice the steps in order. To create interactive materials, the materials is a quick, easy, efficient and more effective. The materials has been prioritized. and the deadline  of materials is provided copies to the person concerned immediately on behalf of the origin 2t can be solved the problem of lost materials and there is a review of accuracy of materials these materials can be sent to administrators without error I appears that the staff of correspondence  can manage. The materials from the reeving up to the process of sending The  Users can sort and store the files in order - after the registration materials.

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How to Cite
โยธาวงศ์ ส. (2016). The Development for Documentation: System of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University . Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 227–242. retrieved from
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