The Budget Management Problems of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Si-Somdet District, Roi-Et Province

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กรรณิการ์ ประมูลจักโก
เชิงชาญ จงสมชัย


Budget is an important tool that government agencies and local governments use for planning and managing available resources effectively. This study aims at investigating the opinion on budget management problems of sub-district administrative organizations. Suggestions on how to solve problems, and budget management development of sub-district administrative organization are included.The samples of 143 people involved with budget preparation and 12 key informants of 7 sub-district administrative organizations in Si-somdet District, Roi-Et Province are the case study tools used to collect data are questionnaire together with  focused group discussion. This study use the descriptive statistic. The results were as follows: Personnel of sub-district administrative organization believed that budget management problems of sub-district administrative organization in Si-somdet District, Roi-Et Province were at low level both generally and 4 aspects – budget management, budget approval, budget preparation, and budget control overaged order from highest to lowest is the average. While the opinion from focused group discussion found that some problems generated by other agencies, due to lacking of understanding on their own roles and responsibilities toward sub-district administrative organization, resulting conflicts among agencies. Suggestions will be the benefit in budget management development of sub-district administrative organization more effectively.

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How to Cite
ประมูลจักโก ก., & จงสมชัย เ. (2019). The Budget Management Problems of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Si-Somdet District, Roi-Et Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 202–212. Retrieved from
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