A Study of Space Use of Within and Surrounding Areas of Khon Kaen Province’s Bus Station for Preparing Proposal of Area Development Plan : Case Study of the First Bus Station of Khon Kaen Province

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นิมิตร์ บุตรศรีน้อย
ถวัลย์ นิยมพานิชพัฒนา


The study of the space use of within and surrounding areas of Khon Kaen province’s bus station for preparing the proposal of area development plan, case study of first bus station of Khon Kaen province, aims to study the changes in physical form and characteristics of the area, limitations in various aspects, and the consequences that may affect the development of the area based on the concept of sustainable urban development and public participation. This study is a mixed method in which the quantitative data was obtained from questionnaire survey, and the qualitative data was gathered from depth semi-structured interviews based on purposive sampling. The findings found that the area have continuously been developed and leaped forward in terms of physical aspect. Issues arising from the development areas were: (1) area management that lacked of innovation in improving the basic infrastructure for disabled people the elderly, children and pregnant women, (2) lacked of promotion and support of natural resources and environmental management, including energy conservation, and (3) lacked of convenient and secure transportation management substantially. The limitations of development were: (1) budget shortage, (2) the ability to set prices of reasonable fee, (3) spatial limitations, and (4) inconsistencies in charge between government agencies and local administrative authorities. Such data indicated that the potentials and limitations in area development to be developed in order to enhance bus station services and well-being of the city sustainably.

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บุตรศรีน้อย น., & นิยมพานิชพัฒนา ถ. (2016). A Study of Space Use of Within and Surrounding Areas of Khon Kaen Province’s Bus Station for Preparing Proposal of Area Development Plan : Case Study of the First Bus Station of Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 124–132. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jopag/article/view/197182
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