The Preparation Of Annual Plan of Kalasin Province B.E. 2557-2560

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ธนากร รวิยะวงศ์
สีดา สอนศรี
ยุพา คลังสุวรรณ


This article aims to analyze why the Annual Plan as a tool to strengthen the unity and integration of strategic co-operation of government agencies in the province did not succeed and to propose the suggestions and solutions to develop Kalasin as a tool to strengthen the unity and integration of strategic co-operation of government agencies in the province.This study reviews the staff who prepare Of Annual Plan Of  Kalasin  Province  B.E.2557-2560 with the sample of 163 people from 283 people of  them. Statistical analysis was average (Arithmetic Mean),standard deviation and frequency. The results are as follows: 1. The government  official who drafted the annual plan of Kalasin Province B.E.2557-2560 totally had opinion in moderate. For individual factor it is also in moderate level. 2. Aside from questionnaire,interview method were conducted. They all agreed that the develop plan of Kalasin was not successful such as the execution time was too limited.The focus of the plan at all levels should pay more attention than the previous years as the local plan the involvement of the private and society sectors participated less in the Development Plan, the human resources had changed or moved frequently; the data used for the preparation of Development Plan did not cover the current situation; the indicators and the goals were difficulty more or less depended on the work assignment. This research will be useful in the next preparation of the annual plan review

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How to Cite
รวิยะวงศ์ ธ., สอนศรี ส., & คลังสุวรรณ ย. (2016). The Preparation Of Annual Plan of Kalasin Province B.E. 2557-2560. Journal of Politics and Governance, 6(1), 82–101. retrieved from
Research Articles


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