Reconciliation Construction after Coup detat on 22 May 2014 in Khon Kaen Province

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จีรศักดิ์ โยมะบุตร
วินัย ผลเจริญ


This study is a qualitative research which aims to study process of constructing reconciliation and process of giving meanings and reaction of people towards the construction of reconciliation in area of Khon Kaen Province. Data were collected in the area with in-depth interview with 26 informants who were selected with specific sampling method and analyzed with descriptive data. The findings reveal that process of reconciliation at Khon Kaen Reconciliation center was under administration of army region 2 and national Council for peace and Order (NCPO) and divided operation of establishing reconciliation center in every district. People were instructed to have understanding about reason of administration by NCPO government and to take actions to eliminate conflicts between local political leaders. Arranging a seminar leads to construction of reconciliation and arrangement of activities to bring happiness to local people. For definition of conflict of NCPO, it was found that NCPO realized that people and politicians had different political needs in term of thoughts and concepts totally that they could not talk to each other. People thought that a conflict problem was caused by many factors and soldiers should not use army ahead of politics but the politics should lead army. Soldiers should maintain security of the constitution and other laws about public reaction towards the construction of reconciliation. The result shows that in Khon Kaen Province, although it has political conflicts, they can be discussed together. People who have political opinions do not dare to express themselves in fear of being prosecuted or summoned to report themselves. They agree that to construct reconciliation, the government should not enforce laws to terrify political opponents for it will not obtain actual cooperation in constructing reconciliation. In addition, people thought that the reconciliation construction project has not been necessary in Khon Kaen Province but the government should solve economic problems for people rather than executing reconciliation construction project in the area.

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How to Cite
โยมะบุตร จ., & ผลเจริญ ว. (2019). Reconciliation Construction after Coup detat on 22 May 2014 in Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 138–153. retrieved from
Research Articles


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