The Role of Local Governments in the Fight against Transnational Capital: A Case Study Large Retail Area in the Northeast

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ธนรัฐ ใหม่คามิ


The purpose of this research was to (1) study the large retail phenomenon in the northeastern community. (Big C and Tesco Lotus) (2) to study the role of local government organizations in protecting trade rights of the community. Target group used in this research. The research found that (1) the phenomenon of large retail business has expanded its business to cover the community. Fast and lots While traditional retailers have closed down a lot. The law specifically regulates the expansion of large retail businesses. And the enforcement of existing legal measures is not as effective. The phenomenon is a loss. Follow the guidelines for sustainable development. (2) The role of local government organization in the Northeast. Has played a role in protecting the commercial rights of the community from large capital groups. The structure of the building. Considering the licensing of large enterprises. Including referendums in each area. And the enforcement of town planning law in order to control the expansion of large retail businesses. Local government has solved the problem of trade in the community. The training program on the development of traditional retail stores continues. Budget allocations or subsidized loans are used to improve quality, standards and trade patterns.

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How to Cite
ใหม่คามิ ธ. (2019). The Role of Local Governments in the Fight against Transnational Capital: A Case Study Large Retail Area in the Northeast. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 111–120. retrieved from
Research Articles


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