The Retention of Contracted Lecturers of Public Universities in the Northeastern Thailand

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จีรศักดิ์ โพกาวิน
สุมิตร สุวรรณ


The objective of this study was to present ways or methods for the retention of contracted lecturers in public universities. This research was a mixed methodology. Data was collected by questionnaires to 300 representatives (Khon Kaen University, Mahasarakham University and Ubon Ratchathani University) and by in-depth interview from 7 key informants which were the experts. Data was collected under simple random sampling. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression and content analysis. Results showed the Retention of contracted lecturers which were: salary and welfare, leader, task and university policy and administration. Described changes in the retention of contracted lecturers in public universities 62% and found that the most impact factor to retention of contracted lecturers was university policy and administration (0.359). The guideline for maintaining the contracted lecturers in public universities is the DIY model. It consists of decreasing push factors university employees to resign. Increasing pull factors university employees to retain. And to yield each other the possibility of management.

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How to Cite
โพกาวิน จ., & สุวรรณ ส. (2019). The Retention of Contracted Lecturers of Public Universities in the Northeastern Thailand. Journal of Politics and Governance, 9(1), 39–54. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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