Cultural Diplomacy : Thailand’s Foreign Policy to Indochina, the Neighboring Countries

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อภินันท์ ทะสุนทร


Promoting the relationship among neighboring countries in Indochina is extremely significant. Thailand’s foreign policy to Indochina countries after the cold war has been changed from conflicts to cooperation. As a result, cultural diplomacy plays a key role for Thailand as a cooperating tool to establish a good relationship among the bordering countries. Moreover, this diplomatic way builds trust between each other in terms of co-assisting and co-developing in accordance with politic, economic, social, and cultural policies. According to Thailand’s foreign policy, cultural diplomacy to the Indochina after the cold war mainly intends to the following assistances and cooperation: (1) academic assistance, trainings, and scholarships, (2) cooperation of Buddhism and cultures, and (3) cooperation of Thai-language teaching. The implementations of Thailand's foreign policy towards its Indochina neighbors are based on cultural tools in order to create government-to-government and people-to-people relationships including promoting the image and confidence. This will lead to the strengthening of cooperation and mutual stability

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How to Cite
ทะสุนทร อ. (2018). Cultural Diplomacy : Thailand’s Foreign Policy to Indochina, the Neighboring Countries. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(3), 192–206. retrieved from
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