Results of Dispute Conciliation by Public Prosecutors: A Case study of the Office of Civil Rights Protection, Legal Aid and Legal Execution Region 2

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วนิชชา โพธิ์ทอง
เทียนแก้ว เลี่ยมสุวรรณ


The research aimed to examine the types of disputes that were sent through the conciliation process by public prosecutors. Further, this study intended to investigate the results of dispute conciliation by public prosecutors. A technique of documentary analysis was used to collect the data. The analyzed documents included 106 disputes stemming from both civil and criminal cases processed at the Office of Civil Rights Protection, Legal Aid and Legal Execution Region 2 during July to December 2016. The statistical tests used to analyze the collected data included frequency, percentage, means, and standard deviation. The results of this study revealed that Rayong Province was the area that exhibited the highest frequencies of disputes requested for conciliation. A majority of the cases were civil suits in which the conflicting parties were individuals. The majority of the disputes resulted from debts, mainly because of conflicts of interest. In most cases, conciliation was conducted by public prosecutors. In addition, the results showed that 44.34% of the disputes were successfully resolved and compromised, 36.79% of the cases ceased conciliation, and 18.87% of the cases were unsuccessful. Regarding the period of conciliation, it usually took 16 days. Specifically, it took approximately 15 days for conciliation of successful cases, while it usually took 14 days for the unsuccessful ones. For the cases in which conciliation was ceased, it took 18 days for the process of conciliation

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How to Cite
โพธิ์ทอง ว., & เลี่ยมสุวรรณ เ. (2018). Results of Dispute Conciliation by Public Prosecutors: A Case study of the Office of Civil Rights Protection, Legal Aid and Legal Execution Region 2. Journal of Politics and Governance, 8(3), 152–168. retrieved from
Research Articles


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