The Improvement of Classroom Efficiency: A Comparison between Large, Middle and Small Classroom in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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จุฑามาศ มละครบุรี


This research aims to study the problems and other conditions that have an impact on the learning efficiency of the students in large, middle, and small classrooms in order to present policy suggestions to develop the efficiency of learning management in large, middle, and small classrooms
The study indicates that:  1) It is difficult for lecturer to access the students thoroughly in the large classroom. To solve this problem, teaching strategies and instruction media and apparatuses should be used appropriately. The diversity of teaching techniques can attract attention of students. 2) It is difficult for lecturer to use debate as a teaching method in the large classroom. To solve this problem, the tests or quizzes should be used in the classroom and homework and inquiries should be assigned to students. 3) The problem found in the middle classroom is an unsuitable allocation of students in each classroom. It brings about unfavorable environment for teaching and studying. To solve this problem, the appropriate allocation of the classroom should be managed. The size of the classroom should not be too large or too small to study. 4) It is possible to use debate as a teaching method in the middle classroom, but in some level, not completely. Therefore, the assignment of inquiries outside the classroom for presenting in the classroom can be helpful to learning efficiency of students. 5) The small classroom is suitable for different teaching methods because it has a small number of students. The students in the small classroom can participate in learning processes more thoroughly than in large and middle classrooms. It is appropriate for using diverse teaching methods including lesson analyzing, presentation, debate, and discussion.

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How to Cite
มละครบุรี จ. (2017). The Improvement of Classroom Efficiency: A Comparison between Large, Middle and Small Classroom in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 198–210. retrieved from
Research Articles


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