The Curriculum Development “Growing Pesticide Residue Free” to Promote Food Security and Safety in Community under the Cooperation of Development Partners

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อภิชาติ ใจอารีย์
ประสงค์ ตันพิชัย
นิรันดร์ ยิ่งยวด


This action research aimed to develop the curriculum and study effect of “Growing Pesticide Residue Free” to promote food security and safety in community under the cooperation of development partners. The research process has 3 stages: 1) Plan: search the partner and network, and curriculum development, 2) Action and Observe: training, assessment and follow-up training, and 3) Reflex. Data collection using qualitative approach with in-depth interviews with key informants, document analysis, survey area farmers and quantitative approach with questionnaires, pre-tests and post-test and satisfaction with the attitude of 40 trained farmers in Thung Buaprovince and students from the College of Agriculture and Technology Sing Buri, and the reflection after training with development partners. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.The results were as follows: the course consists of 5 elements: 1) objective, 2)main topics;(1) the growing organic vegetables and organic vegetables,(2) certification standards, and (3) the creation of market mechanisms and networks, 3) activities; participatory training workshops and discussions focused on the implementation, 4) medias and teaching resources, and 5) evaluation and monitoring. The practical training results showed that: the knowledge about organic growing process of the trained farmers were higher than before training at the statistical level. 05 and farmers are satisfied with the overall management training at the highest level. The evaluation and monitoring found that after the training, farmers can bring their knowledge and experience gained to grow vegetables in their own operations. The reflection found that the involvement and roles of various sectors to promote the organic vegetables for food security and safety in community is necessary because it’s made be to the complete information and encouragement.

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How to Cite
ใจอารีย์ อ., ตันพิชัย ป., & ยิ่งยวด น. (2017). The Curriculum Development “Growing Pesticide Residue Free” to Promote Food Security and Safety in Community under the Cooperation of Development Partners. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 119–136. retrieved from
Research Articles


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