The Capacity Building of Community in the Flood and Drought Disaster Management in Provinces of the Lower Northeastern Region

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เอกราช บุญเริง
ไพโรจน์ ภัทรนรากุล


This research aimed to (1) study the patterns and means of capacity building in the flood and drought disaster management (2) analyze capacity and identify problems and obstacles and (3) recommend guidelines on capacity building for sustainable flood and drought disaster management of community in the provinces of the lower Northeastern Region, Thailand. Ten communities were studied and data was collected through in-depth interviews the 10 heads of community, the 10 executives of Local Administrative Organization and 5 chiefs of Office of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Province. Focus group discussion was organized with the community committees and observation the disaster management of communities. The results revealed that communities have capacity building patterns and means in the flood and drought disaster management through the Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) program, local wisdoms, resources allocation from external organizations and community leader’s coordination. These made communities have capacity in flood and drought disaster management before disaster by adaptation the knowledge from CBDRM program and focus on the coordination and cooperation with external organizations in during and after disaster, but communities’ problems and obstacles were no disaster strategic and insufficient resources to handle the disaster. Moreover, found that the sustainable disaster management comprise of two measures. First, the structural measures, such as embankment, lifted house and village water supply system. Second, the non-structural measures, such as raising awareness and consciousness in self assistance, disaster plan and transfer the disaster knowledge to next generation. Therefore, the capacity building in the sustainable flood and drought disaster management should consist of the strategic disaster plan by community based and enhance the both structural and non-structural disaster management measures.

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บุญเริง เ., & ภัทรนรากุล ไ. (2017). The Capacity Building of Community in the Flood and Drought Disaster Management in Provinces of the Lower Northeastern Region. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 100–118. retrieved from
Research Articles


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