Management of Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Area : A Case Study of the Historic Town of Sukhothai - Si Satchanalai- Kamphaeng Phet and the Ancient City of U Thong

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อภิชาดา โฆษิตวานิช
สุมลนิตย์ เกิดหนุนวงศ์
คมสิทธิ์ เกียนวัฒนา
ปิยะ ศักดิ์เจริญ


This research is aimed to study the Community Management of Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism in 2 central areas are 1)Sukhothai- Si Satchanalai- Kamphaeng Phet and 2)The ancient city of U Thong is separated into11areas. The sample is comprised of 3 groups with a total 325 people. The first group was the leader of the community with a minimum of 1 year experience and consisted out of 116 people, the second group was the leader of activities or philosophy also with a minimum of 1year experience and consisted out of 68 people. The last group was the people who lived in the area for at least 3 years and consisted out of 141 people. The tools used to collect data in this study are the 3 questionnaires for 3 groups of the sample. The data were analyzed statistically using mean, and standard deviation to analysis of the same or similar issues to get on opinion and feedback from the respondents. The result revealed that the overall operation level is at high. When considered by aspects, the operation guideline is at the highest level, the secondary is operation characteristics and the last one is the operation process. Ranked in descending order the result revealed that the overall opinion of operation level is high level. When considered by 3 aspects, the operation guideline is the first one, the secondary is operation characteristics and the last one, the operation process.

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โฆษิตวานิช อ., เกิดหนุนวงศ์ ส., เกียนวัฒนา ค., & ศักดิ์เจริญ ป. (2018). Management of Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Area : A Case Study of the Historic Town of Sukhothai - Si Satchanalai- Kamphaeng Phet and the Ancient City of U Thong. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(3), 83–99. retrieved from
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