Satisfaction on Student Loan of the Students in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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มารุต บุบผามาลา


This study purposively explored the satisfaction on student loan of the students in College Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. The questionnaire was used as a tool to the data from 200 participants before it was statistically analyzed to find percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Amongst these participants, there were 167 female counted as 83.50% and 33 male or 16.50%. 89 students were in their third year of study counted as 44.50% followed by 80 2nd year students or 40.00% and 31 4th year students or 15.50%. Most of these participants or 89 students (44.50%) were majored in Public Administration followed by 64 students (32.00%) in Political Science major, and 47 students (23.50%) from International Relation major. Most of the participants or 131 students (65.50%) had a financial support from different sources rather than the student loan; meanwhile, the rest 69 students (34.50%) were solely supported by the student loan. Furthermore, 123 students (93.90) were financially supported by their parents followed by those 5 students (3.82%) who were supported by their relatives and 2 students (1.52%) who got a scholarship. In term of parent’s marriage status, there were 111 students (84.73%) who live with their parents and another 20 students (15.27%) stayed with their separated parents. For their family’s monthly income, 71 students (54.20%) whose family’s income was lower than 10,000 baht a month and other 60 students (45.80%) monthly earned 10,000 – 15,000 baht. In addition, 116 students (88.55%) were from indebted families and only 15 students (11.45%) were from the families without debt. Indeed, the parents of 130 students (99.24%) mostly noticed the amount of the loan and those of 1 student (0.76) did not notice that. However, most of the participants or 190 students (95.00%) acknowledged the amount of debt they had from the loan whereas there were only 10 students (5.00) that knew nothing about the debt. After graduation, 198 students (99.00%) were able to pay off the debt and only 2 students (1.00%) were unable to do so. More importantly, the finding suggested that the participant’s satisfaction on the student loan office was rated with moderate score. Similarly, they were moderately satisfied with the working process and environment at the student loan office and the responsible bank.

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How to Cite
บุบผามาลา ม. (2017). Satisfaction on Student Loan of the Students in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 321–334. retrieved from
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