Stress Management for Students in the College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University

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นันทนพ เข็มเพชร


The objectives of this research are to study 1)study stress management for students in the College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. 2 )the effect of stress and how to tackle stress of students in the College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. The sample consisted of 10 students. The instruments were in-depth interview. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Stress from education. Students have a tremendous problem in the study and anxiety about a reading was not the important point. Some teachers of some subjects order to a lot of work then students rarely have time to read a book for examination.During the exam schedule overlapping of 3-4 subjects. 2. Stress from friend. Students do not understand the argument, not the self-centered side. 3. Stress from family. Student’s parents have no money to their children to spend money on education. 4. Stress from love. Students have a relationship between two people, love of family and hidden love. Stress maybe disappeared sooner or later that depends on the individual stress conditions. The students will be able to manage their stress that depends on the environment. And the way they manage their stress can be different from others.

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How to Cite
เข็มเพชร น. (2017). Stress Management for Students in the College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 296–307. retrieved from
Research Articles


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