The Development, Restructuring and Management Mechanism of Basic Education in the Ministry Of Education

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ศุภวิชช์ กิจสนาโยธิน
วสันต์ เหลืองประภัสร์
ทวิดา กมลเวชช
ณัฐพล ใจจริง


The objectives of this study were to study the development, restructuring and management mechanism of basic education in the ministry of education with qualitative research by collecting concerned research data and indept interview. The concerned knowledgeable people included the assistant secretary-general of the committee of basic education, the administrators of Sukhothai Primary Education Office Region 1 and 2, the administrators of Secondary Education Office Region 38, 49 teachers, school administrators and formers teachers who are fulfilled with knowledge and experience and had experience in operation in all structures and in basic education management mechanism. The research data was analyzed by content analysis. It was summarized as the followings: The results of this study found that the structure and management for basic education of 1993-2003, the department taking responsibility for basic education were the committee of national primary education and the department of general education. The structure and management for basic education of 2003-present, the committee of basic education takes responsibility of basic education management. The impulsion resulting to the adjustment of basic education structure and management of 1993-2003 derived from enacting the Act of improving the ministry, bureau and department for country administration. For the impulsion resulting to the adjustment of education structure and management of 2010-to present occurred due to the dissatisfaction of the secondary school teachers and administrators toward the unfair of educational management, plan and structural change and basic education management mechanism i.e. the format of growth was in line with the growth of organizations in government sectors. The researcher had suggested according to the study that it should be studied continuously on education management in basic education management mechanism in the present (2016-2017) due to the civil reformation in various points, particularly in term of restructuring and basic education management mechanism in the ministry of education according to the policy of the government in order to find the factors resulting to the problems and barriers toward the quality of education in academic aspect and applied to solve the mentioned problems in further.

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กิจสนาโยธิน ศ., เหลืองประภัสร์ ว., กมลเวชช ท., & ใจจริง ณ. (2017). The Development, Restructuring and Management Mechanism of Basic Education in the Ministry Of Education. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 211–226. retrieved from
Research Articles


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