Participation of Community in the dispute resolution in the community: Study on Moo 7 Khoeng Sub-Disttrict, Muang District, Mahasarakham

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ศักดิ์ชาย สุนทรธนาภิรมย์


This research is qualitative research. The targeted sampling encompasses population in Moo 7 Koeng Sub-district, Mueang Mahasarakham District, Mahasarakham and 22 samples were selected. The research employed stratified systematic random sampling approach to select the samples based on their four categories of experiences including community committee; dispute resolution committee; the villagers; and the government officials. The 22 samples were interviewed by structured interview method. Then data collected from interview were analysed based on the aims of the research and the results of interviews were presented in the form of narrative method. The research revealed that causes or factors affecting public participation can be defined into two types as following: 1. The community those who are not appointed as community committee and the committee of the Centre of Local Dispute Mediation Moo 7, Koeng Sub-District, Muang District, Mahasarakham Province. A main cause or factor of public participation is trust with the mediators. Community trusts that the mediators will conduct their duty fairly. In addition, resolving the disputes by the Centre of Local Dispute Mediation is more convenient, faster and cheaper than by the court or even other types of resolution. A secondary factor of public participation is that entering into the local dispute mediation is cheaper than taking the case to the court and the legal execution procedure. 2. The community those who are appointed as community committee and the committee of the Centre of Local Dispute Mediation Moo 7, Koeng Sub-District, Muang District, Mahasarakham Province. A main cause of public participation is the dispute mediation is the direct role, while the secondary factors are dealing with conflict within community; maintaining the peace of community, society, and the nation; as well as, enhancing the will of problem resolution of the community. The research has found that form of dispute resolution should be the mediation and the method of dispute resolution use the face-to face conversation opening to reasoning consideration based on the ethics and impartiality.

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สุนทรธนาภิรมย์ ศ. (2017). Participation of Community in the dispute resolution in the community: Study on Moo 7 Khoeng Sub-Disttrict, Muang District, Mahasarakham. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(2), 161–175. retrieved from
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