The Expectations of Master Degree Students Toward thrive Career Path of College of Politics and Governance Students, Mahasarakham University

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มนตรี คำวัน


The purpose of this research is to study the expectations of master’s degree students to the Master of Political Science Program in Politics and Government and Master of Public Administration Program in Public Policy. The students can use a knowledge they have studied for applying in the career. And also survey the occupational group of students for publicizing planning of master’s degree program, College of Politics and Governance, usefully and widely. Moreover, another purpose is to explore the target of people who want or are interested to study master’s degree in the college, and be able to use the result for developing the teaching materials and services.The result showed that the students in Master of Political Science Program in Politics and Government (M.Pol.Sc.) and Master of Public Administration Program in Public Policy (M.P.A.) expected to be able to apply the knowledge they have studied to their work effectively. They can use the degree or certificate for shifting or changing to the higher position, adjust salary standard, and also make a better quality of life. Moreover, it will reduce the competitive job application with bachelor’s degree.With the occupational group of master of College of Politics and Governance students, work as a government officer in total 20 people by the following position, social development specialist, social development worker, teachers and police officers, director of planning division, general administrative officer, legal officer, and director of social welfare and recreation. 3 people work for the government as follow, government employees for finance and accounting analyst, university officer as educator, temporary occupation of 3 people as excise officer, general service officer, and finance and accounting assistance. Work as private school teacher for 1 person, merchant for 5 people, self-employed business for 1 person, and unemployed and education for 15 people. The most chosen occupational group in the master’s degree is government officer, because this career can be able to study in the master’s degree program of college of politics and governance easily and followed by the groups who are unemployed and education. Data from the interviews showed that there are a group of undergraduate grads, and they need to study at postgraduate level. Other occupation is government employee, temporary government employee, merchant, self-employed business, and others respectively.

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How to Cite
คำวัน ม. (2017). The Expectations of Master Degree Students Toward thrive Career Path of College of Politics and Governance Students, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 411–428. retrieved from
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