Late Submission of Undergraduate Student’s Grading Form : A Case Study of the College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University
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This research paper aimed to 1) explore the factors of the late submission of undergraduate student’s grading form at the College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University; and 2) look for the proper solution to prevent the late grading submission. This qualitative research used the in-depth interview to collect the data from the population that was a group of 28 full-time lecturers at the College of Politics and Governance. The research outcome highlights 2 main factors including: 1) the Lecturer’s Personal Characters: 1.1 Lack of Self-discipline; 1.2) Irresponsible Work Behavior; 1.3) Disobedience to the university’s schedule and orders; 1.4) Health problem; 1.5) Overloaded Work e.g. teaching, management, academic service, researching, and self-improvement plan; and 1.6) Lack of Proficiency and Skill in Educational Assessment and Systematic Classroom Management; and 2) Subject of Teaching: 2.1) Excessive Number of Student per Class; 2.2) the Subject’s Unclear Objective; 2.3) Problem with Teaching and Grading in Classroom; and 2.4) Problem with Essay Test. Several solutions were given including 1) the Work Achievement Decoding or Knowledge Management Workshop should be organized for the lecturers to exchange their ideas and teaching tactics; 2) the Lecturer’s Feedback needs to be carefully listened in order to design any workshop to empower their performance e.g. teaching techniques, teaching plan making, learning achievement assessment and evaluation; 3) An orientation should be organized for the new lecturers to prepare them with knowledge and skill for the classroom management and learning assessment; 4) Number of subject with late grading submission should be reduced in each semester; and 5) Serious punishment needs to be firmly set for the lecturer with late grading submission, especially those with negative effect on the student e.g. student’s retirement or late graduation, etc.In conclusion, the key solution to prevent the late grading submission is that the lecturers should be a goal-oriented person with patience, work effort, responsibility, and agree to follow the rules. Besides, they should be confident and well-trained with academic or learning assessment skills. Another notable solution is that the new lecturer’s orientation or workshop to improve their knowledge and skill for the classroom management and learning assessment, as well as an understanding toward their roles and responsibility as a lecturer. After all, these activities will gradually become an organizational culture within the lecturer’s community and implant them with a good sense of working responsibility from the beginning of their work. Meanwhile, the lectures whose action goes against the professional ethics will surely deserve a certain kind of punishment so that the others will not follow his path. Finally, a good organizational culture will be firmly set.
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