Important Factors in Deciding to Apply Special Training of Training Center of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University: A Case Study of Sub-District Administration Organizations in Mahasarakham Province

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กวิทนร์ พิมจันนา


This paper aims to study about deciding factors for applying in Special Training Programme of Training Center of Collage of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University: A Case Study of Sub-District Administration Organizations in Mahasarakham Province. The study found that the majority of sampling group were female, total of 102 people, majority of 53.72 percent are representing those who aged between 31-40 years old, and 94 people is representing 50 percent of Senior officers, while 94 sampling have the average monthly income of 10,000 - 20,000 baht. The data analysis using statistical analysis has made an approach to the layout of a special training program. College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University noted that the course that meets the needs of the target audience must be trained further to enhanced the ability of self-development. This will need to be explored reasonable requirements and to meet the demand. There is no cost for the economy and threads are organized. The place where the training will be an easily accessible place near the hotel. Is announced to the audience directly, making books and pamphlets sent to the agency. Head of Events Date, time and cost are the principle reasons. Venue Transfer of registration fee by registering through the website. For easy and convenient to carry, who are participants in each course. To comply with the requirements that do not interfere with complex medication to those who will attend training programs. Guest speakers invited as guest speakers with experience from a reputable agency. To take off in the experience of the trainees to acquire knowledge as required in the course. Each course will be held the following services and provide a place for the number of people who will participate in each course. The study has suggestions on how to select target groups other than the government. Moreover, expanding the scope of the study area and other nearby provinces in the northeast area of the province in order to expand the market and customers. The course should explore the needs of the interested participants in each area to meet the needs of those who wish to participate

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How to Cite
พิมจันนา ก. (2017). Important Factors in Deciding to Apply Special Training of Training Center of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University: A Case Study of Sub-District Administration Organizations in Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 379–392. retrieved from
Research Articles


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