The Satisfaction of Academic Services Division toward College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University
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The research attempts to study 1) The Satisfaction of Academic Services Division toward College of Politics, Mahasarakham University 2) The respondents composing systems of register (normal / Special Examination) and study needs causing to satisfaction 3) The Satisfaction of Academic Services Division toward College of Politics Mahasarakham University Academic year 2013 that studying freshman to and special examination were 5 branch’s The sampling of 432 peoples. The students were different enroll in: The students were normal examination that the satisfaction of servicer the overall’s more ( =3.61) and the students were special examination to the overall’s more (
=3.66) the individual indicates: the students were normal and special examination that the overall more of satisfaction every dimensions and the compare of different of students than the overall and individual were not significantly different (P > .05)
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