The Problems and Needs of Students in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University towards the use of the Information Available in the Library

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เจนจิรา สุขเพลีย


The objective of this research is to investigateproblems and needs of the students in College of Politics and Governance towards the used of the information available in the library. The sample in this study were student at College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University of 367 people at use serve a library. students were divided into five disciplines at PO 121 people, PA of 108 people, IR 16 people, LW 108 people and LH 14 people. the questionnaire was used in this research. The independent was 3 variables and 47 variables of independent. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested with analysis of variance. The results of this study, it was found that the data for the sample most were female were 56.68 percent, aged between 18-25 years were 50.68 percent and study needs of the students in College of Politics and Governance towards the use of the information available in the library, it was found that, (1) facilitator side, the overall high level. When considering the first level it was found that, facilitator have the knowledge and skills appropriate to the job responsibilities. (2) reliability of service side, the overall high level. When considering the first level it was found that, accurate in service. (3) the character is physical side, the overall moderate level. When considering the first level it was found that, diagram, the establishment of a bookshelf, bench and table documents the daily newspaper, etc., suitable for research. (4) appreciating resource general information side, the overall high level. When considering the first level it was found that, Media delivery support fast pace with demand, appropriate to the situation. (5) place and the environment side, the overall high level. When considering the first level it was found that, The appropriateness of the room temperature and ventilation system.

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How to Cite
สุขเพลีย เ. (2017). The Problems and Needs of Students in College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University towards the use of the Information Available in the Library. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 340–356. retrieved from
Research Articles


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