The Use of Service Marketing to Promote Develop Library Service at Library of College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University

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พมลพร ทองโรจน์


This Research : The Use of Service Marketing to Promote Develop Library Service at Library of College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. This study has three objectives: (1) to study the utilization and demand of the users of Library of College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University, (2) to study the services and activities provided by Library of College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University as well as to discover problems and barriers the solutions for the improvement of the library, (3) to examine the marketing strategies adopted by the Library of College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University In this study, questionnaires were used for data collection. In addition, the findings indicate that thepurposes of the respondents for utilizing the library were reading books, magazines, and newspapers. The frequency of library usage was 2-3 times per week. The kinds of highest information material used most were the general books. The findings also showed that most of the respondents were satisfied with the library services especially the printed materials including magazines, newspapers, and general books. Conversely, the respondents were not satisfied with computer services because there were not enough computers to serve the users. Moreover, most of the activities that the respondents would like the library to launch were the reading promotion activities and they suggested that the library arrange for the chairs which would be comfortable and adequate for the library’s users. The opinions raised from librarians and library service staff suggested that the library has staff responsible for public relations directly. The service marketing mix used at Library of College of Politics and Governance were Product, the library has developed and updated printing material; People, the library staff were helpful and friendly with the users which maintained users’ satisfaction; Process, the library staff had worked efficiently and Physical evidence, the library had provided the good environment, that was clean and silent which was suitable for the users’.

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How to Cite
ทองโรจน์ พ. (2017). The Use of Service Marketing to Promote Develop Library Service at Library of College of Politics and Governance Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 326–339. retrieved from
Research Articles


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