Postmodern Political Philosophy Collage of Politic and Governance, Mahasarakham University

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ประโยชน์ ส่งกลิ่น


This research, Postmodern Political Philosophy, consists of two purposes of the study. They are: 1) to study the concepts and theories of postmodern political philosophy and 2) to study the postmodern political situations. Methodology used in the study is qualitative research: documentary research. The findings are as follows: The significant concepts and theories of postmodern political philosophy are: Foucault’s bio-power and governmentality; Derrida’s the politics of deconstruction; Lyotard’s aesthetics politics and dispute; Deleuze’s becoming and the part of those who have no part; and Ranciere’s the part of those who have no part, aesthetics of politics, and democracy of who have no part.There are 5 kinds of postmodern political situations, result from practically using concepts and theories of postmodern political philosophy. They are: 1) blurred nation-state concept, 2) imperial sovereignty, 3) new social movement, 4) radical democracy, and 5) global politics.

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How to Cite
ส่งกลิ่น ป. (2017). Postmodern Political Philosophy: Collage of Politic and Governance, Mahasarakham University. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 308–325. retrieved from
Research Articles


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