The Legal Status of Land Issues in Local Government Organization

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พรหมภัสสร พลคง
สุนทร มณีสวัสดิ์
ปิยะนุช โปตะวณิช


This study aims to investigate 1) the evolution of ideas and theories related to the Local Government and Public Services 2) legislative measures in Thailand and abroad 3) the status of the land of local government 4) to suggest improvements to the laws of Thailand. According to studies, it has been found that Land of the local governments, whether to purchase the land from the budget of the earth. The budget of the local government or a donor or not land because land is expropriated. Such land may be either a public or a property of the ordinary. The land of local governments must be registered with the land is immovable and shall not be registered. So who is responsible for the maintenance and protection varies. The issue of legal status of the land in the state, local governments should be modified as follows 1) The issue of land, local authorities have a legal status, however. 2) The issue of land, local authorities have a public presence. Or immovable property of the ordinary. 3) The issue and revocation of the transfer. public domain. The study indicated that Land of the local administration is a land of many types. The public sector or type of the common property. It may be that the type of government land in another way. The local government has a duty of care and protection. The use of land, varying according to each type of land. The classification of public Complex. The separate state public each class. The legal consequences were different. Local governments have to make their own interpretations and discussions to the authorities of another state at any time. If the state determines that the property land. Buildings and other rights associated with the land, Whether buying land or money from the budget of other income. Whether public or the common property of all the government and government agencies of all types. Designated as public property or land with the status of the entire state. Will be clear and easy to follow or enforce the law.

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How to Cite
พลคง พ., มณีสวัสดิ์ ส., & โปตะวณิช ป. (2017). The Legal Status of Land Issues in Local Government Organization. Journal of Politics and Governance, 7(1), 192–206. retrieved from
Research Articles


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