The Ability of adaptation of the undergraduate freshmen in College of Politics and Governance,Mahasarakham University
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This research aims to study the ability of adaptation of freshmen of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakram University and to compare the differences in the adaptation of university students between female and male of freshmen of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University. The study was a quantitative research aimed to explore the ability to adapt undergraduate students of freshmen of College of Politics and Governance by the questionnaire of 306. The sum of freshmen of College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University found that adaptation in the ability adaptation in society Adaptation emotional individual and the adaptation of the university activities. The adjustments in the level are moderate. The adaptation of the female students and male students found that females have a higher level than male. Female students was (= 3.60) level , male was (
= 3.42) level so that the male and female students have to adapt to all different