Effects of Risk Attitudes and Time Preferences on Teenage Smoking in Chiang Mai Province

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Supissara Wanpanom
Piyaluk Buddhawongsa
Supanika Leurcharusmee
Kansinee Guntawongwan


This study examined risk attitudes and time preferences to determine the influence on male adolescents' decision to smoke in Chiang Mai province. The study was conducted with 313 individuals aged 15 to 24 years who had lived in Chiang Mai for at least one year and completed online questionnaires between August and December 2022. Risk attitudes and time preferences were assessed differently from the experiment, which asked the sample to decide based on hypothetical situations. The study found that male adolescents who had close contacts with smokers caused the subjects to smoke more. Risk attitude did not influence smoking choice or amount smoked. However, time preference did influence smoking behavior. Discount rate was positively correlated with smoking choice and amount smoked. That is, people who prefer higher current consumption tend to smoke more.

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How to Cite
Wanpanom, S., Buddhawongsa , . P. ., Leurcharusmee , S. ., & Guntawongwan, K. . (2023). Effects of Risk Attitudes and Time Preferences on Teenage Smoking in Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 18(1), 111–138. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmscrru/article/view/265949
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Supissara Wanpanom, Chiang Mai University

M.Econ. (Economics), Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University. (2023).

Piyaluk Buddhawongsa , Chiang Mai University

Ph.D. (Economics), Texas A&M University, United States of America. (2005). Currently as Associate Professor in Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University

Supanika Leurcharusmee , Chiang Mai University

Ph.D. (Economics), Chiang Mai University. (2015). Currently as Assistant Professor Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University.

Kansinee Guntawongwan, Chiang Mai University

Ph.D. (Tourism and Environmental Economics), University of the Balearic Islands, Spain. (2017). Currently Lecturer in Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University.


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