Influence of Executive Competencies Affecting Community Participation of a Vacation Farm Executive Viewpoint in the Designated Area for Tourism in Nan
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To be a successful business executive, the executive should change the methods and operation patterns by bringing the community to participate in more operations, increase capabilities and competitive advantages in business and create an identity which affects the operations of the organization by establishing relations between the organization and the community. The sample of this study was 220 vacation farm executives in the designated area for tourism in Nan Province and Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA for checking method. The findings of the study about the influence of executive competencies that affects community participation from the view of vacation farm business executives showed that it was very consistent among CMIN/DF = 1.129, CFI = .998 , RMSEA = .024 , AIC = 111.095 which was a good value due to the value of CFI = .998, an acceptable value as well as RMSEA = .024.
If executives lack one of these capabilities, their ability to create community involvement will be reduced. Therefore, the components of the competency of the executives in all 7 variables consisted of communication. in operational skills Personality, Emotional, Attitude, Leadership and decision-making affects the participation of the community with the following components: decision-making Activities evaluation aspect and receiving benefits result in the same direction. If management lacks one aspect of competence, the capacity for community engagement is diminished. Vacation farm business executives can develop a competitive business development strategy by using community as part of their business management strategy.
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