Achievement Level in Developing Sufficiency Economy of the Agriculturists in Chiang Rai Province

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วิรุณสิริ ใจมา


The objective of this study was to study the achievement level in developing sufficiency economy of the agriculturists in Chiang Rai Province. The evaluation of the achievement level in developing sufficiency economy was divided into 5 aspects; 1) sufficient living 2) self-reliance 3) diversity of agricultural products 4) expenses reduction 5) income increase The study showed that the achievement level in developing sufficiency economy of the agriculturists in Chiang Rai Province on the people’s sufficient living had the most average score. The medium average score was on diversity of agricultural products and the least average score was on the expenses reduction, in respectively. Regarding to self-reliance of the household’s agriculture, it was indicated that the agriculturists had the most self-reliance on equipments and tools and the least was production factor. With regard to the average score of the achievement level in developing sufficiency economy, Chiang Khong District had the most average score. The medium average score was Wieng Chai District and the least average score was Wieng Kaen, in respectively. Overall, the achievement level in developing sufficiency economy of the agriculturists in Chiang Rai Province was at C+ level. Regarding to the achievement level in developing sufficiency economy of the agriculturists in Wieng Chai District, Chiang Khong District, and Pa Daed District was at A level. The achievement level in developing sufficiency economy of the agriculturists in Wieng Kaen District was at E level.

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How to Cite
ใจมา ว. (2018). Achievement Level in Developing Sufficiency Economy of the Agriculturists in Chiang Rai Province. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 5(1), 83–99. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

วิรุณสิริ ใจมา

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