Problems and Solutions for Occupational Group’ Self- Development Held in Mae Suai Municiapality, Mae Suai District, Chiangrai Province
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The purposes of this study aimed to investigate the problems and solutions for the occupational group’ self-development held in Mae Suai District, Chiangrai Province in terms of their production, marketing, financial, and organizational administrations. For data gathering, 36 respondents out of the 12 occupational groups living in the area of Mae Suai Municiapality, Mae Suai District, Chiangrai Province were randomly sampled. The findings of the study revealed that the problems of the occupational group’ self-development held in Mae Suai Municiapality, Mae Suai District, Chiangrai Province revealed that their inadequate and expensive amounts of natural resources and labor forces used for goods production, non-skilled human resources and understandings of goods production, no indigenous centers and databases related to new product packaging and product designs, as well as the buyers’ no brand-named and disqualified quality of required products were mostly seen in terms of their production. As their occupational group’ no sales distributors and marketing expansion together with their uncertain numbers of goods distribution causing the underestimated amounts of their incomes were mostly seen in terms of their marketing, the staffs’ no participation in their working operations, no organizational cooperation, no unity, no ideas-sharing, as well as the staffs’ no awareness of ownership, no transferring practices, and no self-development on working performances were mostly seen in terms of their organizational administration. Also, their insufficient amounts of refunding supports served for goods production, its high rates of costs and late payments, some occupational group’ fewer numbers of targeted and required goods as well as their outnumbers of products with its no sales distribution were mostly seen in terms of their financial aspects.
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