Factors of Political Campaign Affect Decision Making on the Lord Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality Election of Voters

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ขวัญฟ้า ศรีประพันธ์


  The research studies Factors affect decision making on the Lord Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality Election of Voters. Researcher uses quatitative methodology and questionnaire which was used in a survey research of 440 respondents were selected by multi-stage random sampling from voters. The finding reveals that three factors affect to decision making on the Lord Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality Election of Voters : 1) policy of the lord mayor of Chiang Mai municipality candidates (Beta =.326) 2) opinion leadership of voters (Beta =.267) 3) experience of the lord mayor of Chiang Mai municipality candidates(Beta =.154). The Multiple Regression Coefficients predicts 40.20 percent (R Square = .402) for affect decision making on the Lord Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality Election of Voters. The suggestions that three factors should attended for campaign communication : 1) policy of lord mayor of Chiang Mai municipality candidates 2) experience of lord mayor of Chiang Mai municipality candidates and 3) campaign communication in mass media for late decided voters.

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How to Cite
ศรีประพันธ์ ข. (2018). Factors of Political Campaign Affect Decision Making on the Lord Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality Election of Voters. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 6(1), 1–20. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmscrru/article/view/127339
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ขวัญฟ้า ศรีประพันธ์

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