The Impact of the Administration of development on the monopoly capitalist economy system to destroy the value system in Thailand

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สุริยจรัส เตชะตันมีนสกุล


 The research aims to study The Impact of the administration of development on the monopoly capitalist economy system To destroy the value system in Thailand. The research used a mixed methods research approach. The results of this research were as developed based capitalist economy with a monopolistic market structure influences on destroyed of the social values system in Thailand. Sort by Descending According to the causal influence.1)the human capital destroy. 2) the cultural capital destroy 3) to destroy the balance of physical capital. 4)the natural capital and the environment destroy. 5) the social capital destroy . And 6) the institutional capital destroy. the causal influence of 0.819, 0.799, 0.694, 0.517, 0.338 and 0.260, respectively.

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How to Cite
เตชะตันมีนสกุล ส. (2018). The Impact of the Administration of development on the monopoly capitalist economy system to destroy the value system in Thailand. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 10(2), 85–107. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

สุริยจรัส เตชะตันมีนสกุล

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