Cultural tourism : Mae Sai - Kieng Tung

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ปทุมพร แก้วคำ


 Tourist behavior change in the future as a result of social, technology, biology and political factors will result in Post –modern tourism. The tourist could choose the style of travel by themselves. Cultural Tourism is an alternative to Mass Tourism. This article compares two cultures of Mae Sai district, Thailand and Kieng Tung Province in Myanmar. The two places are compared based on the fact that the two places has some connections or are related due to the Lanna and Kieng Tung were established by the same king who was Phayamengrai. Thus, the similarities can be found in the arts and culture, life style, food and characteristics of the people. However, despite the similarities if we are to continue to add value, differences and unique cultural identity to Mae Sai to attract longer stay from tourists then only it will create value, increase revenues and distributes income to the community.

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How to Cite
แก้วคำ ป. (2018). Cultural tourism : Mae Sai - Kieng Tung. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 7(1), 56–81. retrieved from
Research Articles
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ปทุมพร แก้วคำ

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