The Knowledge Synthesis in Competitiveness of Chiang Rai’s Border Trade Business

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Watchara Watanarawee
Phoommhiphat Mingmalairaks


The purpose of this academic article was to present the connections between factors of logistics affected to competitiveness of Chiang Rai’S trans-border business. This study included influence of factors in using technology and information technology, support from governmental section, and the relationship of the business partners that had impacts on Logistics Management and the competitive advantage of Chiang Rai cross-border businesses. The targeted population and samples were CEO, officers of the business entrepreneurs, and the business entrepreneurs in Chiang Rai province. This study used questionnaire as research instrument and the sample size was 295 people. The reviewed found that the competitiveness of trans-border business was affected from logistics management performance factor, relationship of trade-partnership and information technology and system using factor and government supporting factor. The logistics management performance factor was affected from information technology and system using and government supporting. In the meantime, the information technology using factor and logistics management performance factor also effected to the relationship of trade-partnership. This will be developed as a structural model for further research.

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How to Cite
Watanarawee, W., & Mingmalairaks, P. (2019). The Knowledge Synthesis in Competitiveness of Chiang Rai’s Border Trade Business. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 14(1), 49–71. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Watchara Watanarawee

Ph.D. Candidate (Business Administration), School of Management, Mae Fah Luang University.

Phoommhiphat Mingmalairaks

Ph.D. (Business Administration), School of Business and Law, RMIT University, Australia (2011). Currently
a Lecturer in School of Management, Mae Fah Luang University.


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