Developing Service Quality of Laem Chabang Terminal with Enhancing Competitiveness of Thai Maritime Business for ASEAN Economic Community

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ทวีศักดิ์ เทพพิทักษ์


Port plays an important role for growth and expansion of international business, including providing a mechanism to boost Thailand’s sustainable economic growth. Ports need to improve their service quality to over or at least meet with customer requirement. Therefore, a survey of customer satisfaction is an essential to know and understand the port’s current situations related to service quality, and lead to improve in higher level of service quality. The study studied and surveyed a famous port in Bangkok, Thailand, as a case study.

The study initially reviews the literature related to customer satisfaction and consumer behaviors. It applies SERVQUAL and Performance-Importance Analysis for analyzing and evaluating customers’ attitudes and behaviors. The customers cover cargo sides (i.e. importers, exporters and freight forwarding companies). The 90 questionnaires are distributed to customers, 85 sampling returned with response rate is at 94.4 percent. The result shows that customers are satisfied overall service quality over the average point. However, the satisfied value is more than the customers’ expectation level. It also provides recommendations based on research findings for improving and enhancing higher quality of services to become a hub port of ASEAN countries and world class port in near future

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How to Cite
เทพพิทักษ์ ท. (2018). Developing Service Quality of Laem Chabang Terminal with Enhancing Competitiveness of Thai Maritime Business for ASEAN Economic Community. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(1), 37–67. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

ทวีศักดิ์ เทพพิทักษ์

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