A Feasibility Study of Investment on Concentrated Latex Facturing in Amphoe Mueang Bueng Kan Changwat Bueng Kan
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This study aimed to (1) explore general marketing environment of concentrated latex Changwat Bueng Kan (2) study technical aspects of concentrated latex factory (3) perform financial feasibility and (4) test the ability to sustain change of investment on concentrated latex factory in Amphoe Mueang Bueng Karn Changwat Bueng Karn. The study used primary data obtained from participated observation and in-depth interviews and secondary data obtained from books, research papers, and academic papers of various sources including the internet. Financial tools were weighted average cost of capital (WACC), net present value (NPV), profitability index (PI), internal rate of return (IRR), modified IRR (MIRR), and switching value test (SVT).
The study result revealed that in 2014 Thailand had 111 concentrated latex factory with the total capacity of 700,000 tons per year the eastern region produced only 104,060 tons per year while there was downstream industries which required 200,000 tons of concentrated latex as raw material.The region relied on northeastern region of 72,250 toms per year which was not enough. Thus there was opportunity for Changwat Bueng Kan which had no concentrated latex factory while there were over 131,210 tons of field latex in 2014. The factory aimed to produce 15,000 tons per year. The factory required area of 10 rais. Production technology of factory based on the Band Mill saw with centrifuging Chemical Treatment and Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Process and the final process is drying in the stove in order to get rid of humidity. The financial result with non-BOI case under project life of 10 years and WACC as discounted rate of 11.56, the project was worth the investment since NPV was 7,194,646 baht, PI was 1.07, IRR was 12.93 percent and MIRR was 12.29 percent. The SVT showed that the benefit could be down 2.39 percent , the operating cost could be up 7.27 percent, the investment cost could be up 3.69 percent and the total cost could be up 2.45 percent hence the project risk was quite low. In BOI case with the same project life, WACC as discounted rate of 11.31, NPV was 21,355,344 baht, PI was 1.22, IRR was 15.30 percent. And MIRR was 13.34 percent. The SVT showed that the benefit could be down 7.00 percent , the operating cost could be up 21.58 percent, the investment cost could be up 11.55 percent and the total cost could be up 7.52 percent hence the project risk was less than non-BOI case significantly.
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