The Relationship of Internal and External Factors Affecting Cassava’s Product Export to China

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ปิยพร ช่างสาร


The objectives of this research were to examine the relationship between internal and external factors affecting cassava’s products export to China and to investigate the influence of internal and external factors forecasting to cassava’s products export to China. Secondary data was used in this research. They were quantity of cassava’s products export to China and the internal and external factors affecting quantity to export to China. The data was recorded in yearly and times series from 2006-2015. This study employed Multiple Regression Models and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) in data analysis of Cassava’s Product exports to China based on time-series secondary data. The research results found that the most affecting factors was the Currency Exchange Rate which had the highest relationship with the cassava’s products export to China. If the rate of foreign exchange rate with US dollars increased, the volume of exports of cassava products to China would increase. .The followed affecting factors were the quantity of cassava’s product in Thailand, GDP and quantity of Vietnam's cassava exports to China.

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How to Cite
ช่างสาร ป. (2018). The Relationship of Internal and External Factors Affecting Cassava’s Product Export to China. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(2), 118–132. retrieved from
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ปิยพร ช่างสาร

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