Core Value of Using Morhom Affecting the Marketing Mixed of Consumers in Muang District, Phrae Province

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ภาศิริ เขตปิยรัตน์


                This research aimed to investigated the value of using Morhom affecting the marketing mixed of consumers in Muang district, Phrae province.  The sample size that used in this research was 400 samples.  The procedure of this research was comprised of quantitative research method with questionnaires.  The statistic methods used in data analysis were Descriptive Statistics to find percentage, average, standard deviation and Confirmatory Factor Analysis : CFA and Structural Equation Modeling: SEM by Lisrel.

                According to the research result, most respondents have opinion about value of using Morhom and marketing mixed with high levels. In addition, the analysis model employed was congruence with empirical data at a high degree with chi-square = 18.71, degree of freedom = 13, P-value = 0.132, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.97 successively.  It can be descripted by the value of using Morhom have a statistically significant direct effect on the marketing mixed and the total effect equal 1.00

                The recommendation of this was that the entrepreneurs of Morhom business in Muang district, Phrae province, especially leaders should be aware to build the good value of using Morhom by delivering the benefits of use for more.  Moreover, the product development with marketing mixed should focus on quality coupled with a boost sales.  In order to satisfy the consumers to use Morhom will affect the happiness, pleasure, social recognition and a sense of accomplishment.

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How to Cite
เขตปิยรัตน์ ภ. (2018). Core Value of Using Morhom Affecting the Marketing Mixed of Consumers in Muang District, Phrae Province. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 11(2), 101–117. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

ภาศิริ เขตปิยรัตน์

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