Employing Local Wisdom to Commercial Product Development: A Case Study of Phetchaburi Palmyra Plam Juice

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โสภาพร กล่ำสกุล
คงขวัญ ศรีสอาด


The research was aimed to 1. explore to the level of management potential and readiness of the groups, 2. to study consumer behaviors and factors affecting palmyra palm juice buying decisions and 3. to develop prototype product of Phetchaburi palmyra palm juice. The tools were questionnaires and and product test. A sample of 500 consumers/buyers of the product were taken by using simple random technique. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, t-test, and F-test. Designing product and prototype from the step 2 result. The prototype were evaluate by the product development experts and the groups.

                The results of the study were as folloes.

  1. That palmyra palm juice production were conducted as family business and the production process were done in traditional ways and promoted by government agencies.

  2. The results showed that the consumers bought the product themselves, they preferred the natural sweet taste and smell and the 250 cc. glass bottle. They liked the juice in light color of the product test. Price and quality were among the important factors of buying decision. Buyers with different monthly income buy the product with different marketing factors at significant level of 0.05 (ค่า Sig. = .011)   

  3. The label of the product should show the identity of the Phetchaburi province, indicate the authenticity and origination from Phetchaburi. The juice should be contained in a glass bottle with a price and standard certified logo.

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How to Cite
กล่ำสกุล โ., & ศรีสอาด ค. (2018). Employing Local Wisdom to Commercial Product Development: A Case Study of Phetchaburi Palmyra Plam Juice. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 12(1), 191–213. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmscrru/article/view/119883
Research Articles
Author Biographies

โสภาพร กล่ำสกุล

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คงขวัญ ศรีสอาด

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