Factors Influencing to the Success in the Implementation of Good Governance of Public Companies in Thailand

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ธนพล ก่อฐานะ


The purpose of this research was to study the factors influencing to the success in the implementation of good governance of public companies in Thailand. The sampling groups included 236 respondents who worked with public companies in Thailand by Statistical analysis included Pearson Correlation, Path Analysis. Questionnaire was the research tool. Index of item – objective Congruence: IOC was 0.78 and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was 0.89

The research finding revealed that there were four components and 11 factors of influencing to the success in the implement of public companies in Thailand with statistically significant at 0.01 which had a value in between 0.34-0.90 and each had R2 in between 0.34-0.84 and the cause model resulted in the effect model with the value of (X2= 109.34 , df = 98 , X2/df =1.12 , GFI = 0.97 , AGFI = 0.94 , RMSEA = 0.032 )

The research finding also revealed that not only the good governance of public companies, but also other factors of success which were the level of profit, the ability to compete, the ability to generate innovation, social responsibility and responsibility towards employees, and stockholders in order to create the real success which were accepted by community, stockholders, and employees.

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How to Cite
ก่อฐานะ ธ. (2018). Factors Influencing to the Success in the Implementation of Good Governance of Public Companies in Thailand. Journal of Management Science Chiangrai Rajabhat University, 12(2), 60–77. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmscrru/article/view/119808
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ธนพล ก่อฐานะ

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