การศึกษาความเป็นไปได้ในการจัดตั้งโรงงานแปรรูปยางพาราของเกษตร: กรณีศึกษา ตำบลทุ่งกล้วย อำเภอภูซาง จังหวัดพะเยา

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อริยา เผ่าเครื่อง


The Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Pararubber Processing Factory for Farmers: A Case Study of Thung Kluay Sub-district, Phu Sang District, Phayao Province

This study aimed to study logistic system and marketing of rubber in the northern area and to analyze financial feasibility in establishing a rubber processing factory. Database used to estimate production capacity were gathered from interviews all populations with 839 farmers who owned rubber plantations in Thung Kluay Sub-district in 2011 and additional data were collected from 9 officers of the Office of the Rubber Replanting Aid Fund. Study trips to 3 model factories in the East were also arranged for in-depth interviews.

The logistics and marketing of rubber in the North, it was found that the northern supply chain started with rubber farmers and ended at the rubber central market and primary processing factories which were situated in other regions. Logistic analysis was done in 2 parts: 1) from rubber farmers to co-operatives, bidding markets, and middlemen; and 2) from major farmers or tradesmen to processing factories or central market. From the analysis, if the rubber processing factory is established on an area in Thung Kluay Sub-district, Phu Sang District, Phayao, will reduce the cost of transporting from this area to the factory in other provinces about 0.62 to 1 baht per 1 kg of rubber. Regarding financial feasibility showed that under the assumption of a 20-year-project-life of factory producing ribbed smoked rubber sheets grade 3 as using rubber latex as raw materials, estimate capacity of the factory in the year 2013 would be 5 tons a day with 19.71 million baht of investment. The peak capacity of this factory would be 15 tons a day. Using 7% of discount rate, the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project totaled 43,928,291 baht; Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C ratio) was estimated at 1.02; Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 20.55% and Payback Period of 5 years and 6 months. With the above study results, a public forum was held in order to receive comments about the establishment of a rubber processing factory from people in Thung Kluay Sub-district. The outcomes showed that percentage of households agreeing with the project was equal to 62.84%. Their reasons were the increase of income and rubber price. For those who disagreed, they worried about environment impacts, both water and air pollutions as the factory location would be close to the community, children daycare and watershed. The Thung Kluay Subdistrict Administration Organization, then, set direction to push forward the project by looking for a more appropriate location for the factory, seeking approval from local people as well as conducting studied on potential environment impacts caused by the factory.


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เผ่าเครื่อง อ. (2013). การศึกษาความเป็นไปได้ในการจัดตั้งโรงงานแปรรูปยางพาราของเกษตร: กรณีศึกษา ตำบลทุ่งกล้วย อำเภอภูซาง จังหวัดพะเยา. วารสารบริหารศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี, 2(4), 33–47. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jms_ubu/article/view/85940