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Structural Equation Model of the Relationship of Behavior toward the Polices’ Performance in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand
This study is a quantitative research. The goal of the current study was to examine structural equation model of the relationship of behavior toward the polices’ performance in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand. The study was undertaken in fifty one police stations, the subjects consist of four hundred and eight policemen. Data collected by questionnaires and statistical program was used to analyze the data. As for the structural equation model, included goodness of fit with empirical data (df = 107) 302.25 sig = 0.000,
/df = 2.825, CFI = 0.98, NNFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.067 (confidence interval 0.058, 0.076), SRMR = 0.043. The results reveal that contextual performance and organizational justice have direct significant effects on the task performance. Moreover, public service motivation, work engagement, and transformational leadership have indirect effects on task performance through contextual performance. In conclusion, contextual performance and organizational justice are the main effect to task performance of policemen. Includes of the policemen have motivation to serve the public, engage to their work, and the supervisors motivate the followers to perform for achieves the goal, these factors effect to task performance via contextual performance.
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