Sustainability Disclosure of Companies Listed on The Stock Exchange of Thailand
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The purpose of this study was to compare sustainability disclosure of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand during B.E. 2558 to B.E. 2560, which consisted of 1,595 datasets in total. Data were collected from 4 sources which are sustainability reports, corporate social responsibility reports, annual reports and annual registration statements. The sustainability disclosure index was measured follow the guidelines of global standards for sustainability reporting (GRI) and the tone of sustainability was measured follow the Bill McDonald’s word list. The content analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings presented that the sustainability disclosure index being observed in all selected sources of the studied companies were averagely rated at 33%. Economic sustainability was disclosed at the highest level, followed by social and environmental sustainability, accordingly. Among the selected sources of sustainability information, the sustainability reports was the source where the sustainability information was disclosed at the most. The findings also revealed that the tones of sustainability were differently observed in different sources of sustainability information. Results of this study shall bring benefit to the regulators as it could be referred as a guideline in determining scope and tone in sustainability reporting since sustainability disclosure in Thailand was voluntary and could be disclosed in various sources with no studies have compared the disclosures from different sources. Moreover, the results of this study can also be used as a reference for administrators to select or modify sustainability content as appropriate because the tone in reporting will affect the user feeling and may affect investment decisions. In addition, there are bring benefit to those who are interesting can use the results for analyzing and researching further.
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