A Causal Relationship Model of Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention and Start a New Digital Business of the Undergraduate Students in Business Management Program
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This research aims to study the factors that affect entrepreneurial intention and start a new digital business of the undergraduate students in business management program and to demonstrate the causal model of factors that affect entrepreneurial intention and start a new digital business of the undergraduate students in business management program in Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan province. The samples are 400 undergraduate students in business management program. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The Structural Equation Model analysis by Partial Least Squares technique.
The results found that the most influential factor affecting entrepreneurial intention and start a new digital business is the conscientiousness through intrinsic professional entrepreneurial motivation. The structural equation model can explain the entrepreneurial intention and start a new digital business at 55.60 percent (R2 = 0.556, R2 adj = 0.552). The results of this research are beneficial to educational institutions, business incubators and stakeholders to increase the entrepreneurial intention of the undergraduate students in business management program and start a new digital business through the intrinsic professional entrepreneurial motivation by the conscientiousness.
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