Undergraduate students; , experiences; Google Translate;, Learning Englishบทคัดย่อ
The objectives of this study were to investigate students’ experiences at Rajamangala University Technology Lanna Tak in using Google Translate for their learning English and to explore the students' attitudes and satisfactions towards using Google Translate. The sample in this study was 925 students from 3 faculties and 1 major which was conducted the stratified sampling method for selecting the sample. The research instrument was the questionnaire which conducted by using Likert Scale of rating. The quantitative data collected and analyzed for the mean () and Standard Deviation (SD) by using the statistical computer program and Microsoft Excel Program. The analysis of the mean or average and Standard Deviation (SD) were revealed and interpreted according to each item to discover the undergraduate students’ experiences towards using Google Translate (GT).Whereas the qualitative data was gather by conducting in-depth focus group interview by questioning about the experiences in using Google Translate including attitudes and satisfactions. Finally, the data analysis of mean score will be interpreted as the descriptive statistics analysis and the finding presented that the experiences in using Google Translate at a high level ( = 3.71) and the attitudes towards using Google Translate in this study at a very high level ( = 4.30) whereas the satisfactions towards using Google Translate in this study at a high level ( = 4.11).
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