Effectiveness, English Foreign Language Learning (EFL), , Self-Esteem, Motivation, Technological Devicesบทคัดย่อ
Individuals' self-esteem is their conviction in their value or competency. Self-esteem includes self-beliefs, such as loved and deserving," and emotional experiences, such as triumph, depression, pride, and shame. Self-esteem can predict academic success, personal contentment, marriage and relationship fulfilment, and even criminal activity, making it of interest. Psychologists call self-esteem "trait self-esteem" despite its fleeting and typical swings. Self-esteem is also known as "self-worth," "self-regard," "self-respect," and "self-integrity." This study investigated how self-esteem affects English competency as a non-native speaker or EFL learner. This study employed purposive sampling by selecting scholarly papers from Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus Databases. Five experts evaluated the originals, and content analysis was used. The results show that EFL study can boost English learners' self-esteem. Students understand the relevance of self-esteem in EFL. English as a foreign language (EFL) study improves students' self-esteem, motivation and technology. English is essential for future generations' daily lives and employment possibilities. Technology and mobile gadgets can help you learn English. The appeal of English language learning depends on how educators motivate and engage students. This study examines self-esteem, motivation, and tech integration. Further study should include surveys or interviews.
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