University Governance, Universities in Lao PDR’s, SMART modelบทคัดย่อ
This research aims to identify strategies to enhance good governance in university administration in the Lao PDR. The research employed a qualitative approach was adopted, involving semi-structured interviews with 28 key informants from the Ministry of Education and Sports, National University of Laos, Suphanouvong University, Savannakhet University, and Champasak University. The collected data was analyzed using content analysis. The results can be summarized into a SMART model for enhancing university governance, comprising five key elements: S: Systematic and equitable human resource development; M: Transparent and fair university management systems; A: Stakeholder access and participation; R: Responsibility and accountability aligned with quality standards; and T: Monitoring of teaching and learning processes and communication channels with the university. This research will be beneficial as a guideline for the administration of all four universities, enabling them to overcome challenges in higher education management.
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